Friday, March 6, 2009

down another 600grams

Woot down another 600gms this week...10 kg more to my high range weight goal I'm 68kg....cant weight to wear my favourite black jeans and Harley singlet yay......Bobbie-Sues cars back on the road again shes stoked....shes not nervous about driving again i worry every time she leaves the house more so now....have to make this quick as I'm flat out this week and have no time to play :( cheers

1 comment:

Liz said...

68kg! You're going to surpass me anytime now. I'm looking forward to seeing that!

I'm glad that your girl is ok and that is driving again... ah you wouldn't be a mother if you didn't worry.

I have to confess I'm finding it harder to stick to it now that I'm at goal (and the wedding has gone). So frustrating. I'm just going to have to get my will power out again. BAH!