Tuesday, April 30, 2013

WI number 15 another loss 15 straight losses this is fantastic

WI number 15 another loss 15 straight losses this is fantastic ....i just can not believe that i am starting week 16 this is just with 15 losses under my belt i feel so proud and alive again it's so nice to go shopping and look at the size 12 clothes not the 18's my eye;s see a healthy slim me in the mirror not some fat person i don't know....i feel like i was wearing a fat suit all that time and have just unzipped it and slipped out of it...the weight has come off so quickly and i have luved every minute of this program it's been the best experience ever ...i couldn't believe i got a call from Amal yesterday asking how i was going ....what a great caring team...i am going to rejoin challenge so i get the last of my weight off i am so excited to be so close to goal and know i am going to get there for the first time in many many years i got about 600gms of it about 19 years ago that's was my high range not my dream goal....ill see what i think when i get to my high range of 58kg what I'm going to do :)