Friday, March 20, 2009


OMG i have just finished 2 hours and 10 mins of exercise not bad for someone going on 48.....i feel great saving my points for the wedding so i can have 6 middies of vb beer yum that's 9 points i have them saved already so the rest will be for my weight loss....not worried about sweets as i have them every other day so the beers are it .....not sure on the food but these people love their seafood they catch crabs and cook them up when they have a piss up been to a few of those lol so I'm guessing seafood will be on the menu hope so that will make it easy.....fingers crossed....anyways just wanted to brag about my efforts today lol cheers :))

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yo! BRAG AWAY! 2 hours and 10 minutes!!! Woooooo! When you work that hard that certainly gives you extra points :D. Good to see you are using them wisely - gotta love the beer *grins*.

Congrats on how much weight you've lost. Over 20kg! That is a huge and noticeable difference. You must post photos of you in your girly shirt *laughs*. I'm usually a tomboy when it comes to clothing but recently I've started to enjoy really feminine clothing like skirts and corsets - maybe I'm a goth at heart!

Seriously awesome, awesome the weightloss. Have fun at the wedding.

Oooooh no I haven't tried the chocolate eclairs! They sound yumm-o though!