Saturday, May 21, 2011

I have been out of control but im back :)

What a bad year or so i have had struggling to gain control over my weight loss failing at every attempt....i decided enough was enough and joined on line....the switch came on inside of me i have been trying my hardest to get it to come on but it wouldn't i have know idea what it was that triggered this but i am very thankful it did...first week was really easy and lost 2.7kg....this being my second week has been just as easy still a few days til weigh in day....I'm guessing it will only be a small loss because i have never lost that much first weigh in before ...i am a very slow loser so i am hoping this time round my weight may come of a little faster i am one that loses like 100 and 200 gm a week don't get me wrong they are good losses they all ad up but just so slow...
i'm amazed i stayed in control last week as i had to consent to the vet putting my beautiful German shepherd Sheena to sleep she would have died in agony over night so i had no choice i was devastated ....my daughter and her girl friend were with me we decided to stay with her i was so sad wasn't expecting to have to put her to sleep.....i had to leave her there at the vets as hubby was out of action i had to ask my brother to come over the next day and dig a hole for me so i could go pick her up....he did it for me i picked her up and took her for her last drive and wheel barrow ride around the back where i laid her to rest and then filled the hole....couldn't believe i was doing it :(feeling sad now so that is all :(


Jane said...

I am so sorry to hear about your german shepard. It is very sad losing a pet and you have done an amazing job staying in control and not eating everything in sight - I know I would have.

looking forward to hearing about your next weigh-in.

Are you doing WW online??

KARINA said...

hi Jane sorry haven't checked into my blog for a while ...yes im doing on line now and doing fantastic thanks for the comment ...it was hard losing my Sheena we have 2 new puppies to keep us occupied ....we had planned on getting one when Sheena was with us so decided to get 2 as she isn't around to play mummy ......yes i did well to keep from emotional eating when it all happened i have lost 6.7kg to date since starting in may this year and next WI is in the morning :)cheers